CareNet’s Community Impact
Posted on March 15, 2018 in Ministries, Parenting, Pro-Life Events, Speaking

I hope you had a chance to read my blog post earlier this week. As I’ve mentioned, I had the privilege of speaking at the annual CareNet Pregnancy Centers and Mentoring Programs Banquet in February. What an honor it is to share with this community all God is doing at CareNet!
The following is the third of the videos we shared during the banquet program, featuring members from the community. They describe what CareNet’s impact has been on them personally, as well as, what they believe CareNet’s impact to be upon our community. Listen as they tell our donors “thank you” and ask more individuals to pray about partnering with us to “share in the inheritance of the kingdom of light!” Colossians 1:12
If you would like to be a part of what God is doing at CareNet, please contact us today! If you would like to partner with us through giving, please click here. We cannot thank you enough for your prayers and support.
Click here for more of this amazing night; I would love for you to feel and experience that truly remarkable evening with us all over again!
My love,
Thank you, Matthew Levi Rowley Entertainment!