Candy Gibbs


What to Expect

Candy is a powerful and dynamic speaker who brings bold truth amidst a “tip-toeing” culture. She is not shy in her approach as she empowers and inspires you to step into your God-given authority and go against the grain of cultural norms. You’ll find valuable resources on parenting, technology, overcoming your past, living a life of faith, walking in your destiny & identity, and intimacy with God.




Popular podcasts to help you navigate parenting! 

Listen and Subscribe to the Candy Gibbs podcast!
Available on iTunes, Spotify, and GooglePlay.

Click below and find more episodes to encourage you in your parenting, faith, and relationship with the Lord!

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Image for 12 Prayers To Pray Over Your Child

12 Prayers To Pray Over Your Child

I know that we pray for our kids, but sometimes it can be hard to know what to pray! This free download includes specific words and Scriptures for you to declare each day. Let’s be faithful to agree with God’s promises in the lives of our kids!

Image for Technology Handout

Technology Handout

Overwhelmed and unsure how to tackle technology consumption and establish boundaries in your family? This one page resource lists current apps and trends to be aware of, while also providing ways that you can protect your child!

Want Candy to come and speak to your group about technology? Click here to book today!



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