Candy Gibbs


Tag: Camp Speaker

When the student becomes the teacher

June 12, 2018 • Parenting, Speaking, Women's Events

A good friend reminded me of this saying recently, “When the student becomes the teacher…”  How often does that happen in your home?  It sure happens quite often in mine. It has been an extremely busy season for my family. …

Be Smart

June 8, 2018 • Parenting

Have you heard the story about the little girl who ordered herself a $170 dollhouse and four pounds of cookies using the Amazon Echo!?  It’s just too easy to say “Ok, Google…is it going to rain today?” or “Alexa…I’m in…

True Healing

June 6, 2018 • Parenting, Teen Events, Teens

I recently heard a sermon from Chris Hodges from Church of the Highlands in Alabama and from it gained tremendous revelation. I have heard that verse many times over the years and never fully considered its meaning.  There are some…

Jake Standing His Ground

June 1, 2018 • Parenting, Speaking, Teen Events

Jake and I recently had the opportunity to speak in Wichita Falls with a group of parents who are committed to raising warriors.  I shared a portion of Jake’s first talk earlier this week. We talked about Technology (see latest…

Jake Wielding His Sword, The Word of God

May 30, 2018 • Parenting, Pro-Life Events, Speaking, Teen Events

“My prayer is; not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your…

Snapchat: No Shame and No Disguise

May 25, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Teen Events, Teens

“Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge.” 1 Timothy 6:20 I am going to keep this very brief because it is my sincere…

Who’s holding the sword? Part Two

May 24, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Pro-Life Events, Teen Events, Women's Events

Click here to read Who’s Holding the Sword Part One! Here is a statistic that might surprise you: Fewer than 1/3 of teens (32%)  regularly (once a week or more) read their bible (National Study of Youth and Religion, June…

Who is holding the sword? Part One

May 22, 2018 • Parenting

I can remember both of my boys running around in diapers or shorts armed with a plastic sword intent on finding a dragon to slay.  What a funny sight to see such little heroes, with milk mustaches from breakfast, set…

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

May 17, 2018 • Parenting, Pro-Life Events, Speaking, Teen Events, Teens, Women's Events

Don’t we all wish that we could download certain life lessons directly into the hearts of our children?  I know I would love to spoon feed them their decision on drugs, sex outside of marriage and texting while driving.  I…


May 15, 2018 • Parenting, Pro-Life Events, Speaking, Teen Events, Women's Events

The earth is filled with awe at your wonders…I know that we all can relate to magical moments as we observe the wonder of His creation.  The key word there however, is “observe”…when we take the time to observe.  I…

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