Candy Gibbs


Pause Button, Please!

November 30, 2022 • General

Pause Button, Please! Several Christmases ago, I was watching Christmas movies with my kids and was struck with the fact that my middle son, Jake, then 12, would only have 6 more Christmases living in our home.  Time flies when…


November 23, 2022 • General

I am praying that you are excited about a wonderful holiday season.  I love Thanksgiving so.  I think anytime I have the opportunity to be with family and friends I feel so blessed.  I love relationship more than anything.  I…


November 16, 2022 • General

Sometimes I wonder if our young people take time to dream?  In the midst of a crazy schedule, academic rigor, athletic demands, expectations of teachers and trying to live up to expectations, do our young people dream? It is important…


October 21, 2022 • General

“I will no longer drive out before them any of the nations Joshua left when he died.  I will use them to test Israel and see whether they will keep the way of the Lord and walk in it as…

Turning Red

March 25, 2022 • General

My Take on Turning Red … Can I start with…I hope you are looking forward to a great spring? I want to focus on the positive for a moment: Brian and I will be taking a trip for our 25…

Longing for Home

March 19, 2022 • General

Brian and I enjoyed taking our kids to different universities.  We took the tours, attended games and tried to get a real feel for the different campuses.  Our hope was that our children would realize that they could do all…


January 26, 2022 • General

“The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy.” Psalm 65:8 The earth is filled with awe at your wonders…I know that we all can relate to…

Christmas. Laughter. Tears.

December 23, 2021 • General

I love the holidays and I cannot even believe how fast they are flying by!  I have such fond memories of holidays spent at my nana’s house with all of my cousins.  Those memories, no matter how distant, are still…

Such a Time as This

December 13, 2021 • General

Merry Christmas to you!  The holidays are such a precious and priceless time for us and our families.  I enjoy every piece of it … cool nights by the fire, beautiful decorations, the cheer-filled hearts, the delicious food, and most…

4 Steps to Gratitude

November 23, 2021 • General

I am praying that you are excited about a wonderful holiday season.  I love Thanksgiving so.  I think anytime I have the opportunity to be with family and friends I am so blessed.  I love it more than anything.  I…

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