Candy Gibbs




June 28, 2018 • Community, Ministries, Parenting

  “And say to Archippus, ‘See that you fulfill the ministry that you have received in the Lord.’” Colossians 4:14 Oh. My. Word. Ladies. I have wept over this. I have shouted over this. I have danced around my house…

I am fine.

June 20, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Women's Events

I had a recent conversation with a friend that went something like this… “How are you doing?” “I am fine.” But I am tired of fine.  I am asking the Lord to teach me…teach me to be content in all…

Snapchat: No Shame and No Disguise

May 25, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Teen Events, Teens

“Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge.” 1 Timothy 6:20 I am going to keep this very brief because it is my sincere…

Who’s holding the sword? Part Two

May 24, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Pro-Life Events, Teen Events, Women's Events

Click here to read Who’s Holding the Sword Part One! Here is a statistic that might surprise you: Fewer than 1/3 of teens (32%)  regularly (once a week or more) read their bible (National Study of Youth and Religion, June…

Hope: Real Life Stories

May 8, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Speaking, Women's Events

My friend, Brenda Trafton, has collected stories of hope and restoration in her new book, Hope: Real Life Stories. What a privilege to join these pillars of the faith in sharing what God has done! Here’s a little taste of…

Just for Fun: The Outtakes!

April 3, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Pro-Life Events, Speaking

Thank you for joining me on the blog again today! I’ve been sharing with you my recent speech at the Amarillo CareNet Pregnancy Centers & Mentoring Programs Banquet. Please click here to start at the beginning. 🙂 We had the privilege to share…

CareNet’s Courageous Clients

March 22, 2018 • Community, Ministries, Pro-Life Events

I hope you had a chance to read my blog post earlier this week. I had the privilege of speaking at the annual CareNet Pregnancy Centers and Mentoring Programs Banquet in February. What a joy it is to share with this community all…

CareNet’s Community Impact

March 15, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Pro-Life Events, Speaking

I hope you had a chance to read my blog post earlier this week. As I’ve mentioned, I had the privilege of speaking at the annual CareNet Pregnancy Centers and Mentoring Programs Banquet in February. What an honor it is to share with…

Colossians 3

January 11, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Teens

  What does it mean to be chosen, holy, and dearly loved?  One of the greatest burdens I carry for this generation is that they would understand that they are chosen.  That they were handpicked before time began to play…

Differences Make Life Beautiful

December 15, 2017 • Ministries, Parenting, Women's Events

fem·i·nin·i·ty: the quality of being female; womanliness. mas·cu·lin·i·ty: possession of the qualities traditionally associated with men. Such an interesting debate in our society, and a strange topic for a Christmas blog: gender differences.  As I consider the holiday season, my perspective of…

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