Tag: Rescue Parenting
Back to School
August 15, 2018 • Community, Parenting, Teens
“And Jesus came and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit,…
The High Places
July 30, 2018 • Community, Ministries, Women's Events
My family and I love the mountains. As a child, my grandparents had a cabin in New Mexico and my favorite thing was to pull into the mountains late on a Friday night. The smell, the stars and knowing that…
Too little time
July 27, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Teens
I have the privilege of spending some time with many teens and college students and just talking to them can give us such wisdom and insight. One common theme that is expressed over and over in my conversations is…
He is able
July 24, 2018 • Community, Parenting, Teens
On a daily basis I see good kids raised in intact homes being swallowed up by peer pressures, poor decisions, our society and sin, and their families being literally thrown into a tail-spin. Often these families wake up and find…
Ready for good
July 20, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Teens
“Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good…” Titus 3:1 Making a good choice begins with having a plan and being ready. We talk to our young…
July 12, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Teen Events
“The best things in life are never rationed. Friendship, loyalty, and love do not require coupons.” George Hewitt Loyalty is defined as “being faithful to obligations or people” and faithfulness as “steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant.” What important…
Live. Laugh. Love.
July 10, 2018 • Community, Ministries, Parenting
So what are some of the things we are doing “right”? I asked my friend, Ana Hoeksema, to be thinking about that and she came up with some great thoughts… LIVE: Have you seen those cute wooden signs all over…
July 2, 2018 • Community, Parenting, Teen Events
Honest – free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere Truth – that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality Honesty is certainly a virtue that is fundamental not only in being a successful person of character, but…
June 26, 2018 • Parenting, Teen Events, Teens
Humility. What a difficult issue humility can be! We want our children to be confident and not to struggle with insecurity. Our desire as parents is that they would accomplish the fullness of God’s will for their lives…that they would…
I am fine.
June 20, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Women's Events
I had a recent conversation with a friend that went something like this… “How are you doing?” “I am fine.” But I am tired of fine. I am asking the Lord to teach me…teach me to be content in all…