Tag: Youth Speaker
He is able
July 24, 2018 • Community, Parenting, Teens
On a daily basis I see good kids raised in intact homes being swallowed up by peer pressures, poor decisions, our society and sin, and their families being literally thrown into a tail-spin. Often these families wake up and find…
June 26, 2018 • Parenting, Teen Events, Teens
Humility. What a difficult issue humility can be! We want our children to be confident and not to struggle with insecurity. Our desire as parents is that they would accomplish the fullness of God’s will for their lives…that they would…
June 22, 2018 • Community, Parenting, Teen Events
Oftentimes we say to our kids, “you should be kind… show her some kindness… can you please be kind to your little brother?” But it is my prayer that we will begin to teach them in practical ways how to…
I am fine.
June 20, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Women's Events
I had a recent conversation with a friend that went something like this… “How are you doing?” “I am fine.” But I am tired of fine. I am asking the Lord to teach me…teach me to be content in all…
May 15, 2018 • Parenting, Pro-Life Events, Speaking, Teen Events, Women's Events
The earth is filled with awe at your wonders…I know that we all can relate to magical moments as we observe the wonder of His creation. The key word there however, is “observe”…when we take the time to observe. I…
Anticipating Rebellion
May 10, 2018 • Parenting
Have you heard people say things like… “Oh, you thought it was the terrible 2s!” “She just turned 13? You better buckle up.” “You have teenagers? I’ll pray for you.” I think that often times the teen years are looked…
Hope: Real Life Stories
May 8, 2018 • Ministries, Parenting, Speaking, Women's Events
My friend, Brenda Trafton, has collected stories of hope and restoration in her new book, Hope: Real Life Stories. What a privilege to join these pillars of the faith in sharing what God has done! Here’s a little taste of…
Is this for real?
May 3, 2018 • Parenting, Speaking, Teen Events, Teens
Is this for real?! A junior in high school with no social media…and challenging others to focus more on Christ and His calling on their lives?! We are not too busy to seek His Face and refocus our attention. With…
Better Together
May 1, 2018 • Parenting, Teen Events, Teens
Fear and anxiety have no hold on us, our children, or the next generation. We have a good Father who is always with us, calls us to be different and set apart. Madi and I recently had the privilege of…
Take Courage. Come.
April 26, 2018 • Parenting
“During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said and cried out in fear. But Jesus…